
This screen is used to manage all the Papyrus Library Software users. The Users are defined by the Licencing option used in the Global Parameter as Computer names, user names of Active Directory names.

User Table Fields


Select this to allow the licensed computer or user access to Papyrus


Allow Access to the Parameters


Allow Access to the Parameters, Cataloguing, Reports, Membership management

Front Office

Allow Access to the Issuing and return of Items


Allow Access to the OPAC searching


This is the location or branch of the user

Tool Bar Buttons

Save Button

Any changes must be saved by clicking the save button.

Print Button

The list can be printed using the print button.

Update AD Users Button

This tool bar button will update all the users from the Active Directory Containers Papyrus Manager, Papyrus Backoffice, Papyrus FrontOffice and Papyrus Users